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I "manipulated" my Barbies too. I don't think it's torture since they, um, plastic.

And I like how this seems to transgress gender boundaries. My brother destroyed plenty of his toys too (and was rather creative) but no one's calling that torture. Toy soldiers in the Easy-Bake oven anyone?


The article brought a smile to my face with the memory of torturing my brother's Action Man by dismembering him and slowly melting him...ah, the innocent days of childhood ;)

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I read: codex

  • Hugh Maclean: Ben Jonson and the cavalier poets;: Authoritative texts, criticism (A Norton critical edition)
    My love for the Norton Critical Edition knows no bounds of decorum, what with the footnotes handily dangling at the bottom of the page, the effective but not-excessive use of white space and the pages and pages of charming formalist criticism handily excerpted for one's edifying pleasure, and this fine specimen is not only crammed with the verses of Carew and Herrick and Shirley and Waller and Suckling, but the Benniest of Bens himself. Aaaaaah.
  • Margaret Atwood: Strange Things : The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature  (Clarendon Lectures in English Literature)

    Margaret Atwood: Strange Things : The Malevolent North in Canadian Literature (Clarendon Lectures in English Literature)
    Right to the frosty tips of my Maritime 'burg nestles the omnipresent appreciation of all things Canadian - lest not forget, 'natch, that this is Lower Canada, first founded, settled by those who settled and therefore most appropriate dwelling-place for some serious CanLitticism on a chilly eve - a hunger best feasted with the reigning Empress of post-Dominion Culture, here her own splendid Wendigo-fed self most engaging with a bemused discussion of the particular neuroses provoked by our frozen mythoscape that are so lovingly delineated by myriad earnest PhD dissertations from sea to sea to sea.

  • Candace Savage: Crows : Encounters with the Wise Guys

    Candace Savage: Crows : Encounters with the Wise Guys
    Seduced by the caw of the wild that blankets the UNB campus with a murderous cacophany of harbingers of death at the same time every fall, I put this on my Chrismas list hoping for some new insight into these amazing creatures that mimic human speech and modified tool use - instead, I found surprizingly mediocre musings on evolutionary biology from an unqualified, underresearching hack writer made bearable only by a bevy of lovely photographs and images of our witty black-feathered bretheren.

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