Did you know...
...that US veterans are OUTRAGED at that Wedding Crashers movie, because Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson pretend to have Purple Hearts in order to attract women? Apparently veterans find the idea offensive because it detracts from their ability to woo hot young poon-tang: "Somebody else wearing a medal and they didn't earn it — that's defrauding people who've earned it," said George Sakato, 84, who received the medal for his acts of bravery during the Second World War. I guess there's just not enough for veterans to be outraged against lately, not like there's a war on or anything...
...that cats can't taste sweet things...
...that in an effort to combat eating disorders, Israel is passing a law to make models adhere to a minimum BMI:
This Sunday, a committee of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, will decide whether to proceed with a bill to compel model agencies to monitor the health and body mass index (the ratio of height to weight) of models. Models would have to undergo regular medical tests to ensure their body mass index (BMI) is 19 or above. The most serious anorexics can have a BMI as low as seven.
If the Knesset passes the bill, Barkan hopes the effect will be two-fold. First, agencies will be forced to confront a problem they have for long ignored and, second, only "healthy" models will be seen on television, in magazines and on billboards...
...that my crush on Bruce Campbell is still alive and thriving...
..that artistic tradition still insists that a woman's pregnant body is more interesting as a symbol of conspiracy than as a natural process of creation...
...that Stonehenge has never been comprehensively studied by archaeologists...
...that a prehistoric stone phallus has just been unearthed in Germany. Appropriately enough, it is extremely well-polished...
...that apparently if you're not smart enough, Americans won't kill you...
Well, now you do.