A handful of reasons why I know that for 8 months of the year, I live with the perfect woman:
* She changed her msn screen name to "Captain of an Oversized Platoon"
* My "Aristotelians do it for the release" t-shirt. Handmade.
* Best. Fried. Rice. Ever.
* When I say "I bought underpants today," she says "AGAIN? GOD! How many underpants do you need?!?!"
* The Eminem's sweatpants dream. I mean really.
* "Are you hungry?"
* The mutual guilt workout cold war. I only do it because she knows if I don't.
* The pantyrose. Quite frankly, the most marvellously gross birthday gift I have ever received.
* "Are you hungry?"
* That allergy to dark chocolate that ensures my stash is always safe.
* Squishy pig heart tossing marathon, 2005.
* "I'm not in the vagina business."
* The fact that we got hit on looking like this:
* "Shylock came for his pound...where is Portia now?"
* "Are you hungry?"
Miss you, baby.