Did you know...
...that Paul Winchell, the voice of Tigger, not only died yesterday, but that he was also an inventor with a patent for a prototype artificial heart he built in the 1960s, as well as the creator of an"invisible" garter belt, a flameless cigarette lighter and an early version of the disposable razor...
...that Hitler's royalties for Mein Kampf are still flowing in, but the state of Bavaria, who owns the rights, refuses payment...
...that a "7.6-metre-tall, 16-tonne treat of frozen Snapple unexpectedly
quickly melted in the midday sun Tuesday, flooding Union Square in
downtown Manhattan with pink fluid that sent pedestrians scurrying for
higher ground"...
...that a third of Canadians who've read The Da Vinci Code believe it to be true (sigh)...
...that Michael "Lord of the Dance" Flatley will soon be starting a world tour that makes "Riverdance look like a bicycle compared to the Concorde"...
...that Tom Cruise is still an idiot...
...that "A 13-year-old girl has become the youngest author to
be published in South Africa's main medical journal for her research on 'PlayStation thumb' "...
Well, now you do.