Catalogue of injuries I'm currently nursing:
1. Burn. Location: left forearm
Occurred: While reaching into the oven to retrieve spaghetti squash baking therin.
2. Burn. Location: back of right hand
Occurred: While reaching into the oven to retrieve spaghetti squash baking therin, burning left forearm, then pulling out hands too quickly in a freakishly panicked manner.
3. Puncture. Location: palm of right hand
Occurred: After reaching into the oven to retrieve spaghetti squash baking
therin, burning left forearm, then pulling out hands too quickly in a
freakishly panicked manner, burning back of right hand, then grabbing a sharpened pencil that had fallen to the floor.
4. Scrape. Location: back of right hand
Occurred: After reaching into the oven to retrieve spaghetti squash baking
therin, burning left forearm, then pulling out hands too quickly in a
freakishly panicked manner, burning back of right hand, then grabbing a sharpened pencil that had fallen to the floor and puncturing my palm, while retrieving Oxford English Dictionary with scratchy binding.